Newcomer Mix & Match


$5 entry fee

The contest will take place during the Saturday night dance.

To be eligible to compete in the MinneBal Newcomer Mix & Match contest, you must have never made it to finals in a balboa contest (in the role you are competing) at any regional or national balboa event. If you have questions about your eligibility, please email

Contest Sign-Up

$5 entry fee

The contest will take place during the Saturday night dance.

To be eligible to compete in the MinneBal Newcomer Mix & Match contest, you must have never made it to finals in a balboa contest (in the role you are competing) at any regional or national balboa event. If you have questions about your eligibility, please email

$5 entry fee

The contest will take place during the Saturday night dance.

To be eligible to compete in the MinneBal Newcomer Mix & Match contest, you must have never made it to finals in a balboa contest (in the role you are competing) at any regional or national balboa event. If you have questions about your eligibility, please email